Mother Church of Our Lady of Pranto

Also known as Mother Church of Dornes, the Parish Church of Our Lady of Pranto is located in Dornes, very close to the Templar Tower. It is believed to have been founded in 1285 by Queen Santa Isabel, wife of King Dinis (linked to the extinction of the Order of the Temple in 1312), and was later rebuilt in 1453. Inside, pay special attention to the tiled walls, the set of 16th-century paintings, the coffered ceilings with 19th-century painting, the gilded altarpiece from the 17th century, the pipe organ and the pulpit, dating from 1544, with floral decoration and a Cross of the Order of Christ on its corbel.

Enjoy the privileged location, right in the center of Dornes, to get to know this beautiful village, on the banks of the Zêzere river, with a very special mystique.


R. Nossa Sra. do Pranto 10,

2240-611 Ferreira do Zêzere

39.77364212715133, -8.269299877425507

249 366 410


Horário de culto

Aos Sábados:

- Horário de Inverno: 18:00h - Igreja Matriz Vesp.

Aos Domingos:

- Horário de Verão: 19:00h - Igreja Matriz Vesp.

- Horário de Verão e de Inverno: 11:30h - Igreja Matriz

Entrada livre.