Cultural Set of Levada de Tomar

One of the city’s landmarks and located right at its entrance, along the Nabão River, the Levada de Tomar is an old mill area, made up of the Moinhos e Lagares d’El Rei (Mills and Olive Oil Press), built in the 12th and 13th centuries by the Templar Knights. The 1st charter of the village refers to the existence of mills and press wines, in the 12th century.

This is one of the great examples of the existing industrial heritage in the municipality, marked by a series of symbolic historical events for Tomar and an inseparable part of the history and identity of this territory. New times have given it new roles and, today, it houses the Culture and Tourism Division of the City Council of Tomar and the museum center of the Electric Power Station of Tomar, inaugurated in early 2020.


Praceta Infante D. Henrique

2300-531 Tomar

39.60138970864649, -8.416557312011719

249 329 814


Horários Verão (abril a setembro): terça-feira a domingo, das 10h00 às 13h00 e das 14h00 às 18h00;

Inverno (outubro a março): terça-feira a domingo, das 10h00 às 12h00 e das 14h00 às 17h00.

Encerrado nos dias: 1 de janeiro, 1 de maio e 25 de dezembro.

Entrada livre.