Mother Church of Atalaia

It was built by Pedro de Meneses, Count of Cantanhede, in the 16th century, and its coat of arms can be found on the axial portal and on the keystone of the chancel's vault. Although not directly connected with the Templar theme, the Mother Church of Atalaia dates from the same period as the Convent of Christ and its design is accredited to the architect João de Castilho, responsible for the work on the Convent of Christ.

João de Ruão, one of the greatest French sculptors and architects in Portugal during the century of its construction, was responsible for the decorative details of the main portal and crossing arch. Classified as a National Monument since 1926, it is an interesting stop for fans of Renaissance architecture in Portugal.


Rua Patriarca D. José

2260-035 Vila Nova da Barquinha

39.48299143039867, -8.450387926336187

249 720 353

249 720 358


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