Ourém Medieval Village

The Ourém Medieval Village keeps within its walls many stories of conquests and reconquest, between Christians and Muslims. After several disputes, because of its strategic location for the defense of the territory, it was conquered by King Afonso Henriques who, in 1178, donated it to his daughter Princess Teresa. In 1282, it was donated by King Dinis to his wife, Queen Isabel. Walking through the streets of this beautiful medieval village, you can observe various architectural and artistic styles.

After visiting its castle (only by appointment), visit the crypt and tomb of the Marquis of Valença, at the Vila Velha de Ourém Church, the Medieval Palace and the Pillory. Let yourself be carried away, through its medieval alleys, where you can breathe an authentic medieval atmosphere, which will take you on an interesting journey back in time.


Calçada da Igreja de Sta Maria


39.64355519387061, -8.591405953353362

249 540 900 (ext.: 6991)

964 169 726

910 502 917





3.ª feira a domingo

mar - out: 10h às 13h / 14h às 18h

nov - fev: 09h às 13h / 14h às 17h

Visitas guiadas mar - out: 10h30 | 11h45 |14h30 | 16h00

nov - fev: 10h00 | 11h30 | 14h15 | 15h30

Entrada paga.