São Vicente Church

The primitive temple was founded in 1148 by King Afonso Henriques, was destroyed in 1179, during the Muslim reconquest, and rebuilt in the 12th century. In the 16th century, during the reign of King Sebastião, it was rebuilt by the Convent of Christ in Tomar workers and, later, by the Military Architect Mateus Fernandes. The result was some architectural details in the Mannerist style, going against the classic Renaissance values, as it happened in the Convent of Christ.

During your visit, contemplate the various artistic elements of Sacred Art, such as the stone altars, the tile panels that cover the walls, the vaulted ceiling coffers, the carved altarpiece, and the Indo-Portuguese sculpture of the tribune.


Adro de São Vicente

2200-380 Abrantes

39.4650612366729, -8.198244851801437

241 362 268




Horário de culto:

domingos e dias Santos às 11 horas; sábados às 19 horas; de segunda a sexta-feira, às 19h15. Entrada livre.