Santa Maria do Castelo Church

Part of the Abrantes Fortress, the Santa Maria do Castelo Church was built by King Afonso II in 1215, when the Order of the Temple held most of the territory along the Tagus. After being destroyed by an earthquake in 1429, it was rebuilt between 1433 and 1451 by Diogo Fernandes de Almeida, Mayor of Abrantes. On the outside, it has a façade with a portal in a broken arch and a bell tower of great stylistic sobriety, despite some surprises inside, such as the familiar Pantheon of the Abrantes’ Counts.

Since 1921 it hosts the Panteão dos Almeida, where you can discover an interesting collection of Sacred Art, Archeology and Ethnography. Enjoy the remarkable Gothic and Manueline architectural details, as well as the collection of Hispano-Arabic tiles from the 16th century and fresco painting.


Castelo/Fortaleza de Abrantes, Praça Dom Francisco de Almeida

2200-242 Abrantes

39.464444, -8.184528

241 330 100

966 822 104


Horário de verão:

Terça-feira a domingo das 10:00 - 13:00 e 14:00 - 18:00.

Horário de inverno:

Terça-feira a domingo das 09:00 - 13:00 e 14:00 - 17:00.

Encerra à segunda-feira e feriados (exceto 25 de abril, 10 e 14 de junho, 5 de outubro e 1 de dezembro)

Visitas Orientadas e Serviços Educativos.(marcação prévia para Entrada paga.